NASA’s International Space Apps Challenge - the world's biggest hackathon - SecondMuse

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    Since 2012, SecondMuse has been building a global hackathon for students, engineers and explorers






    Booz Allen Hamilton


    How to re-engage earthlings in a world where the private industry can launch rocket ships and rocket scientists are launching startups.

    Why we love this challenge

    NASA’s wealth of data allows us to create massive hackathons that bring together aspiring engineers.


    200 cities across the world simultaneously access NASA data and build APIs, products and agency integrations over the course of a weekend.


    SecondMuse engaged and educated 10,000 engineers and students to show them the beauty of STEM and exploration.

    With a wealth of government data and a desire to fuel entrepreneurship, improve transparency, create opportunities, drive economic growth, and improve the lives of citizens from around the world, NASA collaborated with SecondMuse to create the original International Space Apps Challenge in 2012. The approach was to prioritize the challenges most worth solving, build a platform to engage a large, diverse group of participants around the challenge, incentivize them through collaboration to develop a solution, and then let the best ideas rise to the top naturally.