Rethinking Plastic Waste in Thailand - SecondMuse

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    Rethinking Plastic Waste in Thailand

    Through country-specific activities and research conducted by The Incubation Network alongside several NGOs, such as the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), this market insights showcases the plastic circularity landscape in Thailand. We identified five areas of opportunity to advance the circular economy and reduce plastic waste in Thailand in the short and long term, along with promising examples of how these opportunities are being met.

    About The Incubation Network

    Established in 2019, The Incubation Network is an impact-driven initiative as part of a partnership between non-profit organization, The Circulate Initiative, and impact innovation company, SecondMuse, to combat plastic pollution across South and Southeast Asia.



    Report Type:

    Market Insights

    Year of Publication:



    Alliance to End Plastic Waste ECCA Family Foundation Global Affairs Canada The Circulate Initiative