The GET Cities journey contains powerful lessons for philanthropy and social impact initiatives. What began as an idea led to a national movement that has left a lasting impact on the gender equity landscape in the tech industry across Chicago, Washington, D.C. and Miami. GET Cities intended to bring a unified front to this problem by coordinating communities of stakeholders within specific cities to align on goals, metrics and interventions, thus building diversity in tech from the ground floor. We set out to create actionable solutions to bring change to local communities while catalyzing a national movement.
About GET Cities
GET Cities is a national initiative designed to accelerate the power and influence of historically excluded people and places in tech through ecosystem alignment and activation to build a more equitable and vibrant economy. We harness collective efforts across cities and sectors to center gender and identity in the conversation, to discover and disseminate best practices, and to use the learnings from our local pilots on the ground to accelerate national change. GET Cities launched in 2020, powered by SecondMuse Foundation, with catalytic funding from Pivotal Ventures and in partnership with Break Through Tech. Now in our fourth year, we are on the ground in Chicago, the DC Metro Area and Miami.