ClimateEnvironment CAUSINDY 2018 ‘Connected by Sea’: SecondMuse introduces two Ocean Projects in IndonesiaSeafood Innovation Project in Bali and the Ocean Plastic Prevention Accelerator in Surabaya are both funded by Australia's DFATNa'im ZerbesOctober 8, 2018
AnnouncementsClimateEnvironment SecondMuse set to tackle ocean plastic in collaboration with Circulate Capital, U.S. State Department, Ocean Conservancy and moreSecondMuse and Circulate Capital launch Incubation Network at the Ocean Partnership Summit alongside the G7 Environment Ministerial MeetingNa'im ZerbesSeptember 21, 2018
AnnouncementsClimateEnvironment SecondMuse launches New York State’s first cleantech manufacturing programApplications are open through Oct 8, 2018Na'im ZerbesSeptember 11, 2018